Telhan, Orkan (ed). Museum of Exhalation. 17th Istanbul Biennial. IKSV, 2022. Link
Telhan, Orkan. Designature: The Nature of Signatures in Art and Design. Berlin: Revolver Publishing, 2016. Link
Telhan, Orkan. "Interrogative Design with More-than-Humans." Ian Wojtowicz (ed), Interrogative Design. MIT Press, 2024.
Fogué Uriel, Orkan Telhan, Eva Gil Lopesino, Carlos Palacios Rodríguez. Revisiting empathy by gentrifying our guts: Exploring design as a cosmopolitical diplomacy practice through microbial fruits of Istanbul in Tironi, Martín, et al., eds. Design for more-than-human futures: Towards Post-Anthropocentric Worlding. Taylor & Francis, 2023.
Telhan, Orkan. Where Do Gardens Come From? Alastair Fuad-Luke (ed). Post-normal design: Emergent approaches towards plural worlds. Porto Design Biennial. 2022. 117-125
Telhan, Orkan. The Cell in Michelle M. Fisher and Amber Winnick, eds: Designing Motherhood. MIT Press, 2021.
Telhan, Orkan and Yasmin B. Kafai. Advancing Making with Biology: Interview with Orkan Telhan and Yasmin B. Kafai in Nathan Holbert et al, eds: Designing Constructionist Futures: The Art, Theory, and Practice of Learning Designs. Cambridge. MIT Press, 2020.
Telhan, Orkan. Bodies, Bread, and their Architecture in Mitchel Joachim and Maria Ailova: Design with Life: Biotech Architecture and Resilient Cities. Actar, 2019. 403-407
Telhan, Orkan. From Growing Tools to Designing Organisms: Changing the Literacies of Design in Michael Filimowicz and Veronika Tzankova, eds: Deepening Teaching for Computational Media and Generalist Design. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
Telhan, Orkan and Mahir M. Yavuz. United Colors of Dissent. In Pop Susa, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, and Mark Wright, eds: What Urban Media Art Can Do: Why When Where and How? Avedition, 2016. 116-119
Telhan, Orkan, Kafai Yasmin, Breanne K. Litts. Designing for Connected Making: Supports for Collaboration and Community Building in Crafting Activities in K. Peppler, E. Halverson & Y. Kafai (eds.): Makeology. New York, NY: Routledge, 2015. 223-236
Offenhuber, Dietmar and Telhan Orkan. Indexical Visualization – Dataless Information Display in Ulrik Ekman et al. (Eds): Ubiquitous Computing, Complexity and Culture, Routledge, London, 2015. 288-301
Telhan, Orkan. 'For Designing Within: A Spatial Theory for Encapsulating Designed Biologies' in Paradigms of Computing: Making, Machines, and Models For Design Agency in Architecture, eds. Dr. David Jason Gerber, Mariana Ibañez. eVolo, 2014 Link
Telhan, Orkan. 'Vendmaster as a performative object' in Peformative Urban Design, ed. Kiib, Hans. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press. 2010. 180-189 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Bioreactors as Additive Manufacturing Environments. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing (2024). Link
Volpe, J. P., Higgs, E. S., Jeschke, J. M., Barnhill, K., Brunk, C., Dudney, J., Govers, L. L., Hobbs, R. J., Keenleyside, K., Murphy, S. D., Seddon, P. J., Sudweeks, J., Telhan, O., & Voicescu, S. (2024). Bionovelty and ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. Link
Telhan, Orkan and Dietmar Offenhuber. The Inscriptome: Virus as a Visual Instrument. Strelka Magazine. September 2020. Link
Telhan, Orkan. What Biodesign Means to Me. Biodesigned. May 2020. Link
Telhan, Orkan. Making Vanilla Queer Again. - Sharjah Biennial 13. 2017. Link
Telhan, Orkan. Biology at the Design Studio, BioCoder Issue #11 (September 2016), O’Reilly Media, 55-66 Link
Telhan, Orkan. The Taste of the New Wild, LA+, Issue 1, 2015 Link
Telhan, Orkan and Yavuz Mahir. Väljasöömise esteetika (trans: Aesthetics of Eviction), SIRP Eesti Kultuurileht, Tallinn, 2013 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Materials with Computational Experience and Style, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 15 Issue 2, February 2011 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Sensor Narratives, Writing Cities, vol. 1, eds. Hall, Suzanne, Fernández Arrigoitía, Melissa and Dinardi, Cecilia. London: The London School of Economics and Political Science. 106-115, 2010 Link
Telhan Orkan and elii. We are the Soil, 5th Istanbul Design Biennial Reader, IKSV, Istanbul, 2021
Telhan Orkan, Breakfast Before Extinction in Designs for Different Futures, edited by Kathryn B. Hiesinger, et al. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press in association with the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Walker Art Center, and Art Institute of Chicago, 2019): 238–43
Telhan Orkan, The Microbial Design Studio: 30-day Simit Diet, 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial Reader, IKSV, Istanbul, 2016
Yavuz, Mahir and Telhan Orkan, The Road of Cones – The Eviction of Social Memory, 13th Istanbul Biennial Guide, IKSV, Istanbul, 2013 Link
Telhan, Orkan, Emancipati, 1st Istanbul Design Biennial Reader, IKSV, Istanbul, 2013 Link
Kafai, Y. B., Telhan, O., Hogan, H., Lui, D. A., Anderson, E., Walker, J. T., & Hanna, S. (2017). Growing Designs with biomakerlab in High School Classrooms. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '17) (pp. 503-508). ACM, New York, NY, USA. Link
Richard, Gabriela T., Yasmin B. Kafai, Barrie Adleberg, and Orkan Telhan. 2015. “StitchFest: Diversifying a College Hackathon to Broaden Participation and Perceptions in Computing.” In Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 114–19. SIGCSE ’15. New York, NY, USA: ACM. Link
Telhan, Orkan, Yasmin Kafai, Richard Davis, K-Fai Steele and Barrie Adleberg. Connected Messages: A Maker Approach to Interactive Community Murals with Youth to be published in the proceedings of Interaction Design & Children (IDC'14), Aarhus, Denmark, 2014 Link
Telhan, Orkan, Discursive Methods in Synthetic Biological Design in the proceedings of Design Research Society Conference (DRS 2012), Bangkok, Thailand, 2012 Link
Telhan Orkan, Casalegno F., Park J., Kotsopoulos S., and Yu C. Interaction Design with Building Facades, in the 4th Tangible and Embedded Interaction Conference (TEI’10), Cambridge, MA, 2010 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Towards the Designer’s Agency: Software Mannerisms for Computational Design in the proceedings of the Second International Conference on Critical Digital: Who Cares (?), Harvard University Graduate School of Design, April 17-19, 2009 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Towards a Material Agency: New Materials and New Behaviors for Urban Artifacts. In the proceedings of the First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matter(s), Harvard University Graduate School of Design, April 18-19, 2008
Telhan, Orkan, Judith Donath. Social Maps of Time and Space, InfoVis 2006 Art Show ConferenceCompendium, 178-179
Telhan, Orkan. An Initiation Rite for Intelligent Machinery in Computational Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence Approaches to Beauty and Happiness: Papers from the 2006 AAAI Workshop, ed. Hugo Liu and Rada Mihalcea, 91-94. Technical Report WS-06-04. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, Menlo Park, California, CA
Shapiro, Stuart C., Josephine Anstey, David E. Pape, Trupti Devdas Nayak, Michael Kandefer, & Orkan Telhan, MGLAIR Agents in Virtual and other Graphical Environments, Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-05), AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, 2005, 1704-1705
Josephine Anstey, Dave Pape, Stuart C. Shapiro, Orkan Telhan and Trupti Devdas Nayak, “Psycho-Drama in VR,” Proceedings of The Fourth Conference on Computation Semiotics (COSIGN 2004), University of Split, Croatia, 2004, 5-13
Telhan, Orkan. Living Commons: A Spatial Theory for Biological Design, PhD dissertation submitted to the M.I.T. Department of Architecture, Cambridge, MA, 2013 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Vendmaster: A Language Game between Machines and People, MFA thesis submitted to the Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 2008 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Social Sensing and Its Display, SM thesis submitted to the program in Media Arts and Sciences, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, 2007 Link
Telhan, Orkan. Virtual Realities and Real Virtualities, MFA thesis submitted to the Department of Graphic Design and the Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent University, Ankara, 2002 Link
Telhan Orkan, editor. Thresholds, Issue #38, “future,” M.I.T. School of Architecture and Planning Scholarly Journal, Cambridge, MA, 2010 Link
Allen, Joshua. Dr. Frankenstein’s Breakfast: Biodesign at the Istanbul Design Biennial, The Guide Istanbul. Issue September-October 2016, pp. 54-55. Link
Arte Creative. Digitaler Dissens: eine App als interkulturelle Diskussionsplattform. Arte Creative (June 2014) Link
Baiduc, Alyse Caitlin. Science Meets Art: Interview with Orkan Telhan. HASTAC Scholars (March 2014) Link
Brehaut, Laura. You are what you eat: DIY human steak installation ignites debate around the ultimate taboo — cannibalism. National Post of Canada. 28 Nov. 2020. Link
Chain, Lydia. The Desktop Gene Machine. Popular Science, 8 Dec. 2015. Link
Cooper, Timothy. Big Data and the Dark Art of Dispossession AC-15 05. (December 2013). Link
Cintay Nur, 30-Gunluk Simit Diyeti. Sabah Gazetesi. (November 2016) Link (Turkish)
Estes, Adam Clark. This Flickering Screen Is Powered by Plant-Eating Bacteria. Gizmodo (May 2014) Link
Gilman, Casey. Microbes to the Masses. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 9 Aug. 2016, p. A7 & A9.
Gosling, Emily. Adhocracy - a ‘new industrial revolution. Design Week (August 2013). Link
Hahn, Jennifer. Ouroboros Steak grow-your-own human meat kit is "technically" not cannibalism. De Zeen. 13 Nov 2020. Link
Hanson Matt. Here Are 5 of the Most Radical Artist Projects Breaking New Ground at the Istanbul Biennial. The Artnet. 22 Jan 2023. Link
Hauser, Jens. A new alchemy: Biotechnology as art, University Post, Univ. of Copenhagen, 24 Feb. 2016. Link
Harlfinger, Julia. Achselhöhlen-Käse Und Farbige Fäkalien: Jetzt Kommt Die Bio-Kunst, Der Tagesspiegel. 20 Jun 2015. Link
Hession, Michael. This Silk-Screened Art Glows With Electroluminescent Ink. Gizmodo (June 2013) Link
Hirst, Arlene. Design Shows Take On the Future. And It’s Not Pretty. The New York Times, 21 Jan. 2020. Link
Kats, Anna. Dissent Gone Digital. Boulan Art Info. Contemporary Istanbul Edition (November 6-10, 2013). Link
Klanten R., Ehmann S., Hanschke V. Eds. Echologue and The Cloud, A Touch of Code: Interactive Intallations and Experiences, Gestalten, 2011. Link
Klooster, Thorsten. Ed., Echologue, Smart Surfaces–and their Application in Architecture and Design Birkhäuser, 2009. Link
McCullough, Marie. Public art would draw attention to AED locations. (2014). Link
Offit, Emily. Wiring the future: Penn xLAB explores 'internet of things. The Daily Pennsylvanian (2014). Link
Petrilla, Moly. Art for the Future. The Pennsylvania Gazette (2014). Link
Saval, Nikil. Design for the Future When the Future Is Bleak. The New York Times. 28 Sept. 2020. Link
Salisbury, Stephan. A Penn professor designed lab-grown ‘human steaks’ as satire. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 8 Dec 2020. Link
Small, Zachary. Steaks Grown From Human Cells Spark Interest and Outrage. The New York Times. 9 Dec. 2020. Link
Smith, Alex. A look into many futures at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The Art Blog, 16 Dec. 2019. Link
Valk, Veronika. Living – Interview with Orkan Telhan, the Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Architecture Guest Speaker Series Book, Tallinn, 2014. Link
Valk, Veronika. Mis Veel? (trans: What’s More?), SIRP Eesti Kultuurileht, Tallinn, 2013. Link
Villarroel, Francisco. Formas De Ser Visible: Entrevista A Krzysztof Wodiczko (trans: Forms of Visibility: Interview with Krzysztof Wodiczko),, Santiago, 2014. Link (Spanish)
Yackley, Jean Ayla. Istanbul Biennial Asks? Can We Talk? Hyperallergic. 6 Nov. 2022. Link
Wilson, Stephen. Pasts and Presents, Art+Science Now, Thames and Hudson, London, 2010. Link